# SCL Design Status - [x] Data definitions - [x] Token Definitions - [x] AST Definitions - [ ] Parser - [x] Parse numbers - [x] Parse floats - [x] Parse negative numbers - [x] Parse infix operators - [x] Order of operations - [x] Parse function application - [x] Parse order of operations with parenthesis - [ ] Parse variable invocation - [ ] Parse variable definition - [ ] Parse types - [ ] Parse function definition - [ ] Parse lists/arrays/vectors - [ ] Parse blocks - [ ] Parse control flow - [ ] Parse `if` statements - [ ] Parse `loop`s - [ ] Parse `for` loops - [ ] Parse `while` loops - [ ] Parse `case` statements - [ ] Parse `goto` statements - [ ] Parse lambda function definition - [ ] Parse function calling with positional arguments - [ ] Parse variadic functions - [ ] Parse infix function definition - [ ] Executer - [x] Exec function calls - [ ] Exec variable use - [ ] Exec variable definition - [ ] Exec function definition - [ ] Exec symbolic variables - [ ] Exec control flow statements - [ ] Exec variadic functions - [ ] Exec lambda functions - [ ] Exec lists - [ ] Exec arrays - [ ] Exec vectors - [ ] Interface - [ ] Interactive interpreter - [ ] Use GNU readline - [ ] Multi-line input - [ ] Syntax highlighting - [ ] Autocompletion/suggestion - [ ] Command line interface - [ ] Pass in a file - [ ] Save AST to a file - [ ] Run from AST file