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327 lines
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* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
#pragma once
#include "okapi/api/chassis/controller/chassisScales.hpp"
#include "okapi/api/chassis/model/skidSteerModel.hpp"
#include "okapi/api/control/async/asyncPositionController.hpp"
#include "okapi/api/control/util/pathfinderUtil.hpp"
#include "okapi/api/units/QAngularSpeed.hpp"
#include "okapi/api/units/QSpeed.hpp"
#include "okapi/api/util/logging.hpp"
#include "okapi/api/util/timeUtil.hpp"
#include <atomic>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>
#include "squiggles.hpp"
namespace okapi {
class AsyncMotionProfileController : public AsyncPositionController<std::string, PathfinderPoint> {
* An Async Controller which generates and follows 2D motion profiles. Throws a
* `std::invalid_argument` exception if the gear ratio is zero.
* @param itimeUtil The TimeUtil.
* @param ilimits The default limits.
* @param imodel The chassis model to control.
* @param iscales The chassis dimensions.
* @param ipair The gearset.
* @param ilogger The logger this instance will log to.
AsyncMotionProfileController(const TimeUtil &itimeUtil,
const PathfinderLimits &ilimits,
const std::shared_ptr<ChassisModel> &imodel,
const ChassisScales &iscales,
const AbstractMotor::GearsetRatioPair &ipair,
const std::shared_ptr<Logger> &ilogger = Logger::getDefaultLogger());
AsyncMotionProfileController(AsyncMotionProfileController &&other) = delete;
AsyncMotionProfileController &operator=(AsyncMotionProfileController &&other) = delete;
~AsyncMotionProfileController() override;
* Generates a path which intersects the given waypoints and saves it internally with a key of
* pathId. Call `executePath()` with the same pathId to run it.
* If the waypoints form a path which is impossible to achieve, an instance of
* `std::runtime_error` is thrown (and an error is logged) which describes the waypoints. If there
* are no waypoints, no path is generated.
* @param iwaypoints The waypoints to hit on the path.
* @param ipathId A unique identifier to save the path with.
void generatePath(std::initializer_list<PathfinderPoint> iwaypoints, const std::string &ipathId);
* Generates a path which intersects the given waypoints and saves it internally with a key of
* pathId. Call `executePath()` with the same pathId to run it.
* If the waypoints form a path which is impossible to achieve, an instance of
* `std::runtime_error` is thrown (and an error is logged) which describes the waypoints. If there
* are no waypoints, no path is generated.
* NOTE: The waypoints are expected to be in the
* okapi::State::FRAME_TRANSFORMATION format where +x is forward, +y is right,
* and 0 theta is measured from the +x axis to the +y axis.
* @param iwaypoints The waypoints to hit on the path.
* @param ipathId A unique identifier to save the path with.
* @param ilimits The limits to use for this path only.
void generatePath(std::initializer_list<PathfinderPoint> iwaypoints,
const std::string &ipathId,
const PathfinderLimits &ilimits);
* Removes a path and frees the memory it used. This function returns true if the path was either
* deleted or didn't exist in the first place. It returns false if the path could not be removed
* because it is running.
* @param ipathId A unique identifier for the path, previously passed to `generatePath()`
* @return True if the path no longer exists
bool removePath(const std::string &ipathId);
* Gets the identifiers of all paths saved in this `AsyncMotionProfileController`.
* @return The identifiers of all paths
std::vector<std::string> getPaths();
* Executes a path with the given ID. If there is no path matching the ID, the method will
* return. Any targets set while a path is being followed will be ignored.
* @param ipathId A unique identifier for the path, previously passed to `generatePath()`.
void setTarget(std::string ipathId) override;
* Executes a path with the given ID. If there is no path matching the ID, the method will
* return. Any targets set while a path is being followed will be ignored.
* @param ipathId A unique identifier for the path, previously passed to `generatePath()`.
* @param ibackwards Whether to follow the profile backwards.
* @param imirrored Whether to follow the profile mirrored.
void setTarget(std::string ipathId, bool ibackwards, bool imirrored = false);
* Writes the value of the controller output. This method might be automatically called in another
* thread by the controller. This just calls `setTarget()`.
void controllerSet(std::string ivalue) override;
* Gets the last set target, or the default target if none was set.
* @return the last target
std::string getTarget() override;
* This is overridden to return the current path.
* @return The most recent value of the process variable.
std::string getProcessValue() const override;
* Blocks the current task until the controller has settled. This controller is settled when
* it has finished following a path. If no path is being followed, it is settled.
void waitUntilSettled() override;
* Generates a new path from the position (typically the current position) to the target and
* blocks until the controller has settled. Does not save the path which was generated.
* @param iwaypoints The waypoints to hit on the path.
* @param ibackwards Whether to follow the profile backwards.
* @param imirrored Whether to follow the profile mirrored.
void moveTo(std::initializer_list<PathfinderPoint> iwaypoints,
bool ibackwards = false,
bool imirrored = false);
* Generates a new path from the position (typically the current position) to the target and
* blocks until the controller has settled. Does not save the path which was generated.
* @param iwaypoints The waypoints to hit on the path.
* @param ilimits The limits to use for this path only.
* @param ibackwards Whether to follow the profile backwards.
* @param imirrored Whether to follow the profile mirrored.
void moveTo(std::initializer_list<PathfinderPoint> iwaypoints,
const PathfinderLimits &ilimits,
bool ibackwards = false,
bool imirrored = false);
* Returns the last error of the controller. Does not update when disabled. This implementation
* always returns zero since the robot is assumed to perfectly follow the path. Subclasses can
* override this to be more accurate using odometry information.
* @return the last error
PathfinderPoint getError() const override;
* Returns whether the controller has settled at the target. Determining what settling means is
* implementation-dependent.
* If the controller is disabled, this method must return true.
* @return whether the controller is settled
bool isSettled() override;
* Resets the controller so it can start from 0 again properly. Keeps configuration from
* before. This implementation also stops movement.
void reset() override;
* Changes whether the controller is off or on. Turning the controller on after it was off will
* NOT cause the controller to move to its last set target.
void flipDisable() override;
* Sets whether the controller is off or on. Turning the controller on after it was off will
* NOT cause the controller to move to its last set target, unless it was reset in that time.
* @param iisDisabled whether the controller is disabled
void flipDisable(bool iisDisabled) override;
* Returns whether the controller is currently disabled.
* @return whether the controller is currently disabled
bool isDisabled() const override;
* This implementation does nothing because the API always requires the starting position to be
* specified.
void tarePosition() override;
* This implementation does nothing because the maximum velocity is configured using
* PathfinderLimits elsewhere.
* @param imaxVelocity Ignored.
void setMaxVelocity(std::int32_t imaxVelocity) override;
* Starts the internal thread. This should not be called by normal users. This method is called
* by the `AsyncMotionProfileControllerBuilder` when making a new instance of this class.
void startThread();
* @return The underlying thread handle.
CrossplatformThread *getThread() const;
* Saves a generated path to a file. Paths are stored as `<ipathId>.csv`. An SD card
* must be inserted into the brain and the directory must exist. `idirectory` can be prefixed with
* `/usd/`, but it this is not required.
* @param idirectory The directory to store the path file in
* @param ipathId The path ID of the generated path
void storePath(const std::string &idirectory, const std::string &ipathId);
* Loads a path from a directory on the SD card containing a path CSV file. `/usd/` is
* automatically prepended to `idirectory` if it is not specified.
* @param idirectory The directory that the path files are stored in
* @param ipathId The path ID that the paths are stored under (and will be loaded into)
void loadPath(const std::string &idirectory, const std::string &ipathId);
* Attempts to remove a path without stopping execution. If that fails, disables the controller
* and removes the path.
* @param ipathId The path ID that will be removed
void forceRemovePath(const std::string &ipathId);
std::shared_ptr<Logger> logger;
std::map<std::string, std::vector<squiggles::ProfilePoint>> paths{};
PathfinderLimits limits;
std::shared_ptr<ChassisModel> model;
ChassisScales scales;
AbstractMotor::GearsetRatioPair pair;
TimeUtil timeUtil;
// This must be locked when accessing the current path
CrossplatformMutex currentPathMutex;
std::string currentPath{""};
std::atomic_bool isRunning{false};
std::atomic_int direction{1};
std::atomic_bool mirrored{false};
std::atomic_bool disabled{false};
std::atomic_bool dtorCalled{false};
CrossplatformThread *task{nullptr};
static void trampoline(void *context);
void loop();
* Follow the supplied path. Must follow the disabled lifecycle.
virtual void executeSinglePath(const std::vector<squiggles::ProfilePoint> &path,
std::unique_ptr<AbstractRate> rate);
* Converts linear chassis speed to rotational motor speed.
* @param linear chassis frame speed
* @return motor frame speed
QAngularSpeed convertLinearToRotational(QSpeed linear) const;
std::string getPathErrorMessage(const std::vector<PathfinderPoint> &points,
const std::string &ipathId,
int length);
* Joins and escapes a directory and file name
* @param directory The directory path, separated by forward slashes (/) and with or without a
* trailing slash
* @param filename The file name in the directory
* @return the fully qualified and legal path name
static std::string makeFilePath(const std::string &directory, const std::string &filename);
void internalStorePath(std::ostream &file, const std::string &ipathId);
void internalLoadPath(std::istream &file, const std::string &ipathId);
void internalLoadPathfinderPath(std::istream &leftFile,
std::istream &rightFile,
const std::string &ipathId);
static constexpr double DT = 0.01;
} // namespace okapi