ARCHTUPLE=arm-none-eabi- DEVICE=VEX EDR V5 MFLAGS=-mcpu=cortex-a9 -mfpu=neon-fp16 -mfloat-abi=softfp -Os -g CPPFLAGS=-D_POSIX_THREADS -D_UNIX98_THREAD_MUTEX_ATTRIBUTES -D_POSIX_TIMERS -D_POSIX_MONOTONIC_CLOCK GCCFLAGS=-ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fdiagnostics-color -funwind-tables WARNFLAGS+=-Wno-psabi SPACE := $() $() COMMA := , DEPDIR := .d $(shell mkdir -p $(DEPDIR)) DEPFLAGS = -MT $$@ -MMD -MP -MF $(DEPDIR)/$$*.Td MAKEDEPFOLDER = -$(VV)mkdir -p $(DEPDIR)/$$(dir $$(patsubst $(BINDIR)/%, %, $(ROOT)/$$@)) RENAMEDEPENDENCYFILE = -$(VV)mv -f $(DEPDIR)/$$*.Td $$(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%, $(DEPDIR)/%.d, $(ROOT)/$$<) && touch $$@ LIBRARIES+=$(wildcard $(FWDIR)/*.a) # Cannot include newlib and libc because not all of the req'd stubs are implemented EXCLUDE_COLD_LIBRARIES+=$(FWDIR)/libc.a $(FWDIR)/libm.a COLD_LIBRARIES=$(filter-out $(EXCLUDE_COLD_LIBRARIES), $(LIBRARIES)) wlprefix=-Wl,$(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$1) LNK_FLAGS=--gc-sections --start-group $(strip $(LIBRARIES)) -lgcc -lstdc++ --end-group -T$(FWDIR)/v5-common.ld ASMFLAGS=$(MFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) CFLAGS=$(MFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) $(GCCFLAGS) --std=gnu11 CXXFLAGS=$(MFLAGS) $(CPPFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) $(GCCFLAGS) --std=gnu++17 LDFLAGS=$(MFLAGS) $(WARNFLAGS) -nostdlib $(GCCFLAGS) SIZEFLAGS=-d --common NUMFMTFLAGS=--to=iec --format %.2f --suffix=B AR:=$(ARCHTUPLE)ar # using arm-none-eabi-as generates a listing by default. This produces a super verbose output. # Using gcc accomplishes the same thing without the extra output AS:=$(ARCHTUPLE)gcc CC:=$(ARCHTUPLE)gcc CXX:=$(ARCHTUPLE)g++ LD:=$(ARCHTUPLE)g++ OBJCOPY:=$(ARCHTUPLE)objcopy SIZETOOL:=$(ARCHTUPLE)size READELF:=$(ARCHTUPLE)readelf STRIP:=$(ARCHTUPLE)strip ifneq (, $(shell command -v gnumfmt 2> /dev/null)) SIZES_NUMFMT:=| gnumfmt --field=-4 --header $(NUMFMTFLAGS) else ifneq (, $(shell command -v numfmt 2> /dev/null)) SIZES_NUMFMT:=| numfmt --field=-4 --header $(NUMFMTFLAGS) else SIZES_NUMFMT:= endif endif ifneq (, $(shell command -v sed 2> /dev/null)) SIZES_SED:=| sed -e 's/ dec/total/' else SIZES_SED:= endif rwildcard=$(foreach d,$(filter-out $3,$(wildcard $1*)),$(call rwildcard,$d/,$2,$3)$(filter $(subst *,%,$2),$d)) # Colors NO_COLOR=$(shell printf "%b" "\033[0m") OK_COLOR=$(shell printf "%b" "\033[32;01m") ERROR_COLOR=$(shell printf "%b" "\033[31;01m") WARN_COLOR=$(shell printf "%b" "\033[33;01m") STEP_COLOR=$(shell printf "%b" "\033[37;01m") OK_STRING=$(OK_COLOR)[OK]$(NO_COLOR) DONE_STRING=$(OK_COLOR)[DONE]$(NO_COLOR) ERROR_STRING=$(ERROR_COLOR)[ERRORS]$(NO_COLOR) WARN_STRING=$(WARN_COLOR)[WARNINGS]$(NO_COLOR) ECHO=/bin/printf "%s\n" echo=@$(ECHO) "$2$1$(NO_COLOR)" echon=@/bin/printf "%s" "$2$1$(NO_COLOR)" define test_output_2 @if test $(BUILD_VERBOSE) -eq $(or $4,1); then printf "%s\n" "$2"; fi; @output="$$($2 2>&1)"; exit=$$?; \ if test 0 -ne $$exit; then \ printf "%s%s\n" "$1" "$(ERROR_STRING)"; \ printf "%s\n" "$$output"; \ exit $$exit; \ elif test -n "$$output"; then \ printf "%s%s\n" "$1" "$(WARN_STRING)"; \ printf "%s\n" "$$output"; \ else \ printf "%s%s\n" "$1" "$3"; \ fi; endef define test_output @output=$$($1 2>&1); exit=$$?; \ if test 0 -ne $$exit; then \ printf "%s\n" "$(ERROR_STRING)" $$?; \ printf "%s\n" $$output; \ exit $$exit; \ elif test -n "$$output"; then \ printf "%s\n" "$(WARN_STRING)"; \ printf "%s" $$output; \ else \ printf "%s\n" "$2"; \ fi; endef # Makefile Verbosity ifeq ("$(origin VERBOSE)", "command line") BUILD_VERBOSE = $(VERBOSE) endif ifeq ("$(origin V)", "command line") BUILD_VERBOSE = $(V) endif ifndef BUILD_VERBOSE BUILD_VERBOSE = 0 endif # R is reduced (default messages) - build verbose = 0 # V is verbose messages - verbosity = 1 # VV is super verbose - verbosity = 2 ifeq ($(BUILD_VERBOSE), 0) R = @echo D = @ VV = @ endif ifeq ($(BUILD_VERBOSE), 1) R = @echo D = VV = @ endif ifeq ($(BUILD_VERBOSE), 2) R = D = VV = endif INCLUDE=$(foreach dir,$(INCDIR) $(EXTRA_INCDIR),-iquote"$(dir)") ASMSRC=$(foreach asmext,$(ASMEXTS),$(call rwildcard, $(SRCDIR),*.$(asmext), $1)) ASMOBJ=$(addprefix $(BINDIR)/,$(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,%.o,$(call ASMSRC,$1))) CSRC=$(foreach cext,$(CEXTS),$(call rwildcard, $(SRCDIR),*.$(cext), $1)) COBJ=$(addprefix $(BINDIR)/,$(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,%.o,$(call CSRC, $1))) CXXSRC=$(foreach cxxext,$(CXXEXTS),$(call rwildcard, $(SRCDIR),*.$(cxxext), $1)) CXXOBJ=$(addprefix $(BINDIR)/,$(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,%.o,$(call CXXSRC,$1))) GETALLOBJ=$(sort $(call ASMOBJ,$1) $(call COBJ,$1) $(call CXXOBJ,$1)) ARCHIVE_TEXT_LIST=$(subst $(SPACE),$(COMMA),$(notdir $(basename $(LIBRARIES)))) LDTIMEOBJ:=$(BINDIR)/_pros_ld_timestamp.o MONOLITH_BIN:=$(BINDIR)/monolith.bin MONOLITH_ELF:=$(basename $(MONOLITH_BIN)).elf HOT_BIN:=$(BINDIR)/hot.package.bin HOT_ELF:=$(basename $(HOT_BIN)).elf COLD_BIN:=$(BINDIR)/cold.package.bin COLD_ELF:=$(basename $(COLD_BIN)).elf # Check if USE_PACKAGE is defined to check for migration steps from purduesigbots/pros#87 ifndef USE_PACKAGE $(error Your Makefile must be migrated! Visit to learn how) endif DEFAULT_BIN=$(MONOLITH_BIN) ifeq ($(USE_PACKAGE),1) DEFAULT_BIN=$(HOT_BIN) endif -include $(wildcard $(FWDIR)/*.mk) .PHONY: all clean quick quick: $(DEFAULT_BIN) all: clean $(DEFAULT_BIN) clean: @echo Cleaning project -$Drm -rf $(BINDIR) -$Drm -rf $(DEPDIR) ifeq ($(IS_LIBRARY),1) ifeq ($(LIBNAME),libbest) $(errror "You should rename your library! libbest is the default library name and should be changed") endif LIBAR=$(BINDIR)/$(LIBNAME).a TEMPLATE_DIR=$(ROOT)/template clean-template: @echo Cleaning $(TEMPLATE_DIR) -$Drm -rf $(TEMPLATE_DIR) $(LIBAR): $(call GETALLOBJ,$(EXCLUDE_SRC_FROM_LIB)) $(EXTRA_LIB_DEPS) -$Drm -f $@ $(call test_output_2,Creating $@ ,$(AR) rcs $@ $^, $(DONE_STRING)) .PHONY: library library: $(LIBAR) .PHONY: template template: clean-template $(LIBAR) $Dpros c create-template . $(LIBNAME) $(VERSION) $(foreach file,$(TEMPLATE_FILES) $(LIBAR),--system "$(file)") --target v5 $(CREATE_TEMPLATE_FLAGS) endif # if project is a library source, compile the archive and link output.elf against the archive rather than source objects ifeq ($(IS_LIBRARY),1) ELF_DEPS+=$(filter-out $(call GETALLOBJ,$(EXCLUDE_SRC_FROM_LIB)), $(call GETALLOBJ,$(EXCLUDE_SRCDIRS))) LIBRARIES+=$(LIBAR) else ELF_DEPS+=$(call GETALLOBJ,$(EXCLUDE_SRCDIRS)) endif $(MONOLITH_BIN): $(MONOLITH_ELF) $(BINDIR) $(call test_output_2,Creating $@ for $(DEVICE) ,$(OBJCOPY) $< -O binary -R .hot_init $@,$(DONE_STRING)) $(MONOLITH_ELF): $(ELF_DEPS) $(LIBRARIES) $(call _pros_ld_timestamp) $(call test_output_2,Linking project with $(ARCHIVE_TEXT_LIST) ,$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(ELF_DEPS) $(LDTIMEOBJ) $(call wlprefix,-T$(FWDIR)/v5.ld $(LNK_FLAGS)) -o $@,$(OK_STRING)) @echo Section sizes: -$(VV)$(SIZETOOL) $(SIZEFLAGS) $@ $(SIZES_SED) $(SIZES_NUMFMT) $(COLD_BIN): $(COLD_ELF) $(call test_output_2,Creating cold package binary for $(DEVICE) ,$(OBJCOPY) $< -O binary -R .hot_init $@,$(DONE_STRING)) $(COLD_ELF): $(COLD_LIBRARIES) $(VV)mkdir -p $(dir $@) $(call test_output_2,Creating cold package with $(ARCHIVE_TEXT_LIST) ,$(LD) $(LDFLAGS) $(call wlprefix,--gc-keep-exported --whole-archive $^ -lstdc++ --no-whole-archive) $(call wlprefix,-T$(FWDIR)/v5.ld $(LNK_FLAGS) -o $@),$(OK_STRING)) $(call test_output_2,Stripping cold package ,$(OBJCOPY) --strip-symbol=install_hot_table --strip-symbol=__libc_init_array --strip-symbol=_PROS_COMPILE_DIRECTORY --strip-symbol=_PROS_COMPILE_TIMESTAMP --strip-symbol=_PROS_COMPILE_TIMESTAMP_INT $@ $@, $(DONE_STRING)) @echo Section sizes: -$(VV)$(SIZETOOL) $(SIZEFLAGS) $@ $(SIZES_SED) $(SIZES_NUMFMT) $(HOT_BIN): $(HOT_ELF) $(COLD_BIN) $(call test_output_2,Creating $@ for $(DEVICE) ,$(OBJCOPY) $< -O binary $@,$(DONE_STRING)) $(HOT_ELF): $(COLD_ELF) $(ELF_DEPS) $(call _pros_ld_timestamp) $(call test_output_2,Linking hot project with $(COLD_ELF) and $(ARCHIVE_TEXT_LIST) ,$(LD) -nostartfiles $(LDFLAGS) $(call wlprefix,-R $<) $(filter-out $<,$^) $(LDTIMEOBJ) $(LIBRARIES) $(call wlprefix,-T$(FWDIR)/v5-hot.ld $(LNK_FLAGS) -o $@),$(OK_STRING)) @printf "%s\n" "Section sizes:" -$(VV)$(SIZETOOL) $(SIZEFLAGS) $@ $(SIZES_SED) $(SIZES_NUMFMT) define asm_rule $(BINDIR)/%.$1.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.$1 $(VV)mkdir -p $$(dir $$@) $$(call test_output_2,Compiled $$< ,$(AS) -c $(ASMFLAGS) -o $$@ $$<,$(OK_STRING)) endef $(foreach asmext,$(ASMEXTS),$(eval $(call asm_rule,$(asmext)))) define c_rule $(BINDIR)/%.$1.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.$1 $(BINDIR)/%.$1.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.$1 $(DEPDIR)/$(basename $1).d $(VV)mkdir -p $$(dir $$@) $(MAKEDEPFOLDER) $$(call test_output_2,Compiled $$< ,$(CC) -c $(INCLUDE) -iquote"$(INCDIR)/$$(dir $$*)" $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) $(DEPFLAGS) -o $$@ $$<,$(OK_STRING)) $(RENAMEDEPENDENCYFILE) endef $(foreach cext,$(CEXTS),$(eval $(call c_rule,$(cext)))) define cxx_rule $(BINDIR)/%.$1.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.$1 $(BINDIR)/%.$1.o: $(SRCDIR)/%.$1 $(DEPDIR)/$(basename %).d $(VV)mkdir -p $$(dir $$@) $(MAKEDEPFOLDER) $$(call test_output_2,Compiled $$< ,$(CXX) -c $(INCLUDE) -iquote"$(INCDIR)/$$(dir $$*)" $(CXXFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CXXFLAGS) $(DEPFLAGS) -o $$@ $$<,$(OK_STRING)) $(RENAMEDEPENDENCYFILE) endef $(foreach cxxext,$(CXXEXTS),$(eval $(call cxx_rule,$(cxxext)))) define _pros_ld_timestamp $(VV)mkdir -p $(dir $(LDTIMEOBJ)) @# Pipe a line of code defining _PROS_COMPILE_TOOLSTAMP and _PROS_COMPILE_DIRECTORY into GCC, @# which allows compilation from stdin. We define _PROS_COMPILE_DIRECTORY using a command line-defined macro @# which is the pwd | tail bit, which will truncate the path to the last 23 characters @# @# const int _PROS_COMPILE_TIMESTAMP_INT = $(( $(date +%s) - $(date +%z) * 3600 )) @# char const * const _PROS_COMPILE_TIEMSTAMP = __DATE__ " " __TIME__ @# char const * const _PROS_COMPILE_DIRECTORY = "$(shell pwd | tail -c 23)"; @# @# The shell command $$(($$(date +%s)+($$(date +%-z)/100*3600))) fetches the current @# unix timestamp, and then adds the UTC timezone offset to account for time zones. $(call test_output_2,Adding timestamp ,echo 'const int _PROS_COMPILE_TIMESTAMP_INT = $(shell echo $$(($$(date +%s)+($$(date +%-z)/100*3600)))); char const * const _PROS_COMPILE_TIMESTAMP = __DATE__ " " __TIME__; char const * const _PROS_COMPILE_DIRECTORY = "$(wildcard $(shell pwd | tail -c 23))";' | $(CC) -c -x c $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) -o $(LDTIMEOBJ) -,$(OK_STRING)) endef # these rules are for build-compile-commands, which just print out sysroot information cc-sysroot: @echo | $(CC) -c -x c $(CFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) --verbose -o /dev/null - cxx-sysroot: @echo | $(CXX) -c -x c++ $(CXXFLAGS) $(EXTRA_CXXFLAGS) --verbose -o /dev/null - $(DEPDIR)/%.d: ; .PRECIOUS: $(DEPDIR)/%.d include $(wildcard $(patsubst $(SRCDIR)/%,$(DEPDIR)/%.d,$(CSRC) $(CXXSRC)))