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2024-09-18 13:05:17 -04:00
* \file pros/misc.hpp
* Contains prototypes for miscellaneous functions pertaining to the controller,
* battery, and competition control.
* Visit to
* learn more.
* This file should not be modified by users, since it gets replaced whenever
* a kernel upgrade occurs.
* \copyright Copyright (c) 2017-2023, Purdue University ACM SIGBots.
* All rights reservered.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
#ifndef _PROS_MISC_HPP_
#define _PROS_MISC_HPP_
#include "pros/misc.h"
#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
namespace pros {
class Controller {
* Creates a controller object for the given controller id.
* \param id
* The ID of the controller (e.g. the master or partner controller).
Controller(controller_id_e_t id);
* Checks if the controller is connected.
* This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is
* reached:
* EACCES - Another resource is currently trying to access the controller
* port.
* \return 1 if the controller is connected, 0 otherwise
std::int32_t is_connected(void);
* Gets the value of an analog channel (joystick) on a controller.
* This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is
* reached:
* EACCES - Another resource is currently trying to access the controller
* port.
* \param channel
* The analog channel to get.
* \return The current reading of the analog channel: [-127, 127].
* If the controller was not connected, then 0 is returned
std::int32_t get_analog(controller_analog_e_t channel);
* Gets the battery capacity of the controller.
* This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is
* reached:
* EACCES - Another resource is currently trying to access the controller
* port.
* \return The controller's battery capacity
std::int32_t get_battery_capacity(void);
* Gets the battery level of the controller.
* This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is
* reached:
* EACCES - Another resource is currently trying to access the controller
* port.
* \return The controller's battery level
std::int32_t get_battery_level(void);
* Checks if a digital channel (button) on the controller is currently
* pressed.
* This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is
* reached:
* EACCES - Another resource is currently trying to access the controller
* port.
* \param button
* The button to read. Must be one of
* \return 1 if the button on the controller is pressed.
* If the controller was not connected, then 0 is returned
std::int32_t get_digital(controller_digital_e_t button);
* Returns a rising-edge case for a controller button press.
* This function is not thread-safe.
* Multiple tasks polling a single button may return different results under
* the same circumstances, so only one task should call this function for any
* given button. E.g., Task A calls this function for buttons 1 and 2.
* Task B may call this function for button 3, but should not for buttons
* 1 or 2. A typical use-case for this function is to call inside opcontrol
* to detect new button presses, and not in any other tasks.
* This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is
* reached:
* EACCES - Another resource is currently trying to access the controller
* port.
* \param button
* The button to read. Must be one of
* \return 1 if the button on the controller is pressed and had not been
* pressed the last time this function was called, 0 otherwise.
std::int32_t get_digital_new_press(controller_digital_e_t button);
#pragma GCC diagnostic push
#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-function"
template <typename T>
T convert_args(T arg) {
return arg;
const char* convert_args(const std::string& arg) {
return arg.c_str();
#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
* Sets text to the controller LCD screen.
* \note Controller text setting is currently in beta, so continuous, fast
* updates will not work well.
* This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is
* reached:
* EACCES - Another resource is currently trying to access the controller
* port.
* \param line
* The line number at which the text will be displayed [0-2]
* \param col
* The column number at which the text will be displayed [0-14]
* \param fmt
* The format string to print to the controller
* \param ...
* The argument list for the format string
* \return 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation
* failed, setting errno.
template <typename... Params>
std::int32_t print(std::uint8_t line, std::uint8_t col, const char* fmt, Params... args) {
return pros::c::controller_print(_id, line, col, fmt, convert_args(args)...);
* Sets text to the controller LCD screen.
* \note Controller text setting is currently in beta, so continuous, fast
* updates will not work well.
* This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is
* reached:
* EACCES - Another resource is currently trying to access the controller
* port.
* \param line
* The line number at which the text will be displayed [0-2]
* \param col
* The column number at which the text will be displayed [0-14]
* \param str
* The pre-formatted string to print to the controller
* \return 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation
* failed, setting errno.
std::int32_t set_text(std::uint8_t line, std::uint8_t col, const char* str);
std::int32_t set_text(std::uint8_t line, std::uint8_t col, const std::string& str);
* Clears an individual line of the controller screen.
* \note Controller text setting is currently in beta, so continuous, fast
* updates will not work well.
* This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is
* reached:
* EACCES - Another resource is currently trying to access the controller
* port.
* \param line
* The line number to clear [0-2]
* \return 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation
* failed, setting errno.
std::int32_t clear_line(std::uint8_t line);
* Rumble the controller.
* \note Controller rumble activation is currently in beta, so continuous, fast
* updates will not work well.
* This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is
* reached:
* EACCES - Another resource is currently trying to access the controller
* port.
* \param rumble_pattern
* A string consisting of the characters '.', '-', and ' ', where dots
* are short rumbles, dashes are long rumbles, and spaces are pauses.
* Maximum supported length is 8 characters.
* \return 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation
* failed, setting errno.
std::int32_t rumble(const char* rumble_pattern);
* Clears all of the lines on the controller screen.
* \note Controller text setting is currently in beta, so continuous, fast
* updates will not work well. On vexOS version 1.0.0 this function will
* block for 110ms.
* This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is
* reached:
* EACCES - Another resource is currently trying to access the controller
* port.
* \return 1 if the operation was successful or PROS_ERR if the operation
* failed, setting errno.
std::int32_t clear(void);
controller_id_e_t _id;
namespace battery {
* Gets the current voltage of the battery, as reported by VEXos.
* This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is
* reached:
* EACCES - Another resource is currently trying to access the battery port.
* \return The current voltage of the battery
double get_capacity(void);
* Gets the current current of the battery in milliamps, as reported by VEXos.
* This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is
* reached:
* EACCES - Another resource is currently trying to access the battery port.
* \return The current current of the battery
int32_t get_current(void);
* Gets the current temperature of the battery, as reported by VEXos.
* This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is
* reached:
* EACCES - Another resource is currently trying to access the battery port.
* \return The current temperature of the battery
double get_temperature(void);
* Gets the current capacity of the battery in millivolts, as reported by VEXos.
* This function uses the following values of errno when an error state is
* reached:
* EACCES - Another resource is currently trying to access the battery port.
* \return The current capacity of the battery
int32_t get_voltage(void);
} // namespace battery
namespace competition {
* Get the current status of the competition control.
* \return The competition control status as a mask of bits with
std::uint8_t get_status(void);
std::uint8_t is_autonomous(void);
std::uint8_t is_connected(void);
std::uint8_t is_disabled(void);
} // namespace competition
namespace usd {
* Checks if the SD card is installed.
* \return 1 if the SD card is installed, 0 otherwise
std::int32_t is_installed(void);
} // namespace usd
} // namespace pros
#endif // _PROS_MISC_HPP_