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171 lines
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* \file pros/colors.hpp
* Contains enum class definitions of colors
* This file should not be modified by users, since it gets replaced whenever
* a kernel upgrade occurs.
* Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Purdue University ACM SIGBots.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
namespace pros{
enum class Color {
alice_blue = 0x00F0F8FF,
antique_white = 0x00FAEBD7,
aqua = 0x0000FFFF,
aquamarine = 0x007FFFD4,
azure = 0x00F0FFFF,
beige = 0x00F5F5DC,
bisque = 0x00FFE4C4,
black = 0x00000000,
blanched_almond = 0x00FFEBCD,
blue = 0x000000FF,
blue_violet = 0x008A2BE2,
brown = 0x00A52A2A,
burly_wood = 0x00DEB887,
cadet_blue = 0x005F9EA0,
chartreuse = 0x007FFF00,
chocolate = 0x00D2691E,
coral = 0x00FF7F50,
cornflower_blue = 0x006495ED,
cornsilk = 0x00FFF8DC,
crimson = 0x00DC143C,
cyan = 0x0000FFFF,
dark_blue = 0x0000008B,
dark_cyan = 0x00008B8B,
dark_goldenrod = 0x00B8860B,
dark_gray = 0x00A9A9A9,
dark_grey = dark_gray,
dark_green = 0x00006400,
dark_khaki = 0x00BDB76B,
dark_magenta = 0x008B008B,
dark_olive_green = 0x00556B2F,
dark_orange = 0x00FF8C00,
dark_orchid = 0x009932CC,
dark_red = 0x008B0000,
dark_salmon = 0x00E9967A,
dark_sea_green = 0x008FBC8F,
dark_slate_gray = 0x002F4F4F,
dark_slate_grey = dark_slate_gray,
dark_turquoise = 0x0000CED1,
dark_violet = 0x009400D3,
deep_pink = 0x00FF1493,
deep_sky_blue = 0x0000BFFF,
dim_gray = 0x00696969,
dim_grey = dim_gray,
dodger_blue = 0x001E90FF,
fire_brick = 0x00B22222,
floral_white = 0x00FFFAF0,
forest_green = 0x00228B22,
fuchsia = 0x00FF00FF,
gainsboro = 0x00DCDCDC,
ghost_white = 0x00F8F8FF,
gold = 0x00FFD700,
goldenrod = 0x00DAA520,
gray = 0x00808080,
grey = gray,
green = 0x00008000,
green_yellow = 0x00ADFF2F,
honeydew = 0x00F0FFF0,
hot_pink = 0x00FF69B4,
indian_red = 0x00CD5C5C,
indigo = 0x004B0082,
ivory = 0x00FFFFF0,
khaki = 0x00F0E68C,
lavender = 0x00E6E6FA,
lavender_blush = 0x00FFF0F5,
lawn_green = 0x007CFC00,
lemon_chiffon = 0x00FFFACD,
light_blue = 0x00ADD8E6,
light_coral = 0x00F08080,
light_cyan = 0x00E0FFFF,
light_goldenrod_yellow = 0x00FAFAD2,
light_green = 0x0090EE90,
light_gray = 0x00D3D3D3,
light_grey = light_gray,
light_pink = 0x00FFB6C1,
light_salmon = 0x00FFA07A,
light_sea_green = 0x0020B2AA,
light_sky_blue = 0x0087CEFA,
light_slate_gray = 0x00778899,
light_slate_grey = light_slate_gray,
light_steel_blue = 0x00B0C4DE,
light_yellow = 0x00FFFFE0,
lime = 0x0000FF00,
lime_green = 0x0032CD32,
linen = 0x00FAF0E6,
magenta = 0x00FF00FF,
maroon = 0x00800000,
medium_aquamarine = 0x0066CDAA,
medium_blue = 0x000000CD,
medium_orchid = 0x00BA55D3,
medium_purple = 0x009370DB,
medium_sea_green = 0x003CB371,
medium_slate_blue = 0x007B68EE,
medium_spring_green = 0x0000FA9A,
medium_turquoise = 0x0048D1CC,
medium_violet_red = 0x00C71585,
midnight_blue = 0x00191970,
mint_cream = 0x00F5FFFA,
misty_rose = 0x00FFE4E1,
moccasin = 0x00FFE4B5,
navajo_white = 0x00FFDEAD,
navy = 0x00000080,
old_lace = 0x00FDF5E6,
olive = 0x00808000,
olive_drab = 0x006B8E23,
orange = 0x00FFA500,
orange_red = 0x00FF4500,
orchid = 0x00DA70D6,
pale_goldenrod = 0x00EEE8AA,
pale_green = 0x0098FB98,
pale_turquoise = 0x00AFEEEE,
pale_violet_red = 0x00DB7093,
papay_whip = 0x00FFEFD5,
peach_puff = 0x00FFDAB9,
peru = 0x00CD853F,
pink = 0x00FFC0CB,
plum = 0x00DDA0DD,
powder_blue = 0x00B0E0E6,
purple = 0x00800080,
red = 0x00FF0000,
rosy_brown = 0x00BC8F8F,
royal_blue = 0x004169E1,
saddle_brown = 0x008B4513,
salmon = 0x00FA8072,
sandy_brown = 0x00F4A460,
sea_green = 0x002E8B57,
seashell = 0x00FFF5EE,
sienna = 0x00A0522D,
silver = 0x00C0C0C0,
sky_blue = 0x0087CEEB,
slate_blue = 0x006A5ACD,
slate_gray = 0x00708090,
slate_grey = slate_gray,
snow = 0x00FFFAFA,
spring_green = 0x0000FF7F,
steel_blue = 0x004682B4,
tan = 0x00D2B48C,
teal = 0x00008080,
thistle = 0x00D8BFD8,
tomato = 0x00FF6347,
turquoise = 0x0040E0D0,
violet = 0x00EE82EE,
wheat = 0x00F5DEB3,
white = 0x00FFFFFF,
white_smoke = 0x00F5F5F5,
yellow = 0x00FFFF00,
yellow_green = 0x009ACD32,
} // namespace pros
#endif //_PROS_COLORS_HPP_